Electrical and electronic products testing center(PTEC) is a service center providing testing, calibration, research, development of electrical and electronic products.
Electrical and Electronic Product Testing Center (PTEC) has the effective equipments with worldwide acceptance to service testing for government sector and private sector. Currently, PTEC has already provided various testing services including different types of products for electromagnetic compatibility, telecommunication testing, product safety testing, energy saving testing and equipment calibration. Since the equipments of PTEC have been calibrated and verified with ISO/IEC 17025 annually, it can be ensured that these equipments are always effective, accurate and ready for use.
Electromagnetic compatibility testing, telecommunication testing, product safety testing and energy testing etc. needs not only the specific testing equipments, but also a special area designed to protect electromagnetic interference or complied with the international standards of testing such as IEC, ISO and so on. Therefore, testing sites should be as appropriate as PTEC has prepared with the international standards as shown in the following picture.
According to the ISO/IEC 17025, a testing center must have technical administration and documentation and also apply the quality system for the range of activities according to the regulations. The operation must be systematically documented which can be investigated in every steps including quality policy, quality manual, operational procedure and necessary recommendations to ensure the quality management and allow the testing service and calibration to meet the expectations from customers accurately and creditably by ISO/IEC 17025 including administration and academic regulations as follow:
- Administration Regulations are related to organizational management, quality management, documents control, request revision, subcontracting, buying goods and services, customer service, complaints, calibration that not meet the regulations, corrections, recording control, domestic quality control and administration revision.
- Academic Regulations are related to personnel, site, environment, calibration, procedure and equipment verification, traceability of measurement, calibration samples management, calibration quality assurance and calibration reports PTEC has already got ISO/IEC17025 certified for electromagnetic compatibility testing and equipment calibration from Thai Industrial Standards Institute. Currently, PTEC has been appointed by Thai Industrial Standards Institute to be a testing center for safety and energy testing. Moreover, PTEC had requested for certifications for both tests and was officially certified for safety testing already.
- Office of National Telecommunications Commission to be the first electromagnetic compatibility and telecommunication testing center that can provide the testing service for telecommunication industries according to the notification of Office of National Telecommunications Commission
- Food and Drug Administration to be the testing center for medical devices according to the notification of Food and Drug Administration
- Ministry of Information and Communication Technology to be the testing center for information and communication technology products according to the notification of Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
- Office of The Consumer Protection Board to be the testing center for electrical testing to protect the consumer according to the notification of Office of The Consumer Protection Board
- Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) to be the testing center for electrical and electronic products testing according to the notifications of Electricity Authority of Thailand
According to the International Conformity Assessment Accreditation Hierarchy by Government and Industry Recognition, structure of product certification are divided into two main parts: Cooperation ILAC governed by International Laboratory Accreditation Council or ILAC which signed the Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with its members and Cooperation IAF governed by International Accreditation Forum (IAF)
In the part of Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) governed by ILAC, member countries are separated by region such as EA, APLAC. There are national organizations that certify testing system, provide calibration and receive ISO/IEC Guide58 and ISO/IEC 17010 including A2LA of USA, NAVLAP of UK and so on. The responsibility of these organizations is to certify the quality system of testing laboratory and calibration with ISO/IEC17025 and products with ISO/IEC 17020.
At the moment, PTEC is the testing center with ISO/IEC 17025certification for EMC, product safety, medical devices, energy testing and electronic equipment with high frequency calibration. Also, PTEC is during the process of investigation by Thai Industrial Standards Institute for ISO/IEC17020 certification to be Inspection Body for certifying electrical and electronic products. It is expected to get certification by the end of 2011.
Furthermore, PTEC is now registered as the electrical and electronic testing center of ASEAN with identification number 2013-001/2012. That is, PTEC can test electrical and electronic products exported to 9 member countries when ASEAN become free trade area in 2015
Thus, it can be accepted that the capability and testing service of PTEC covers the expectations of Thai industrial sector in order to produce the quality product with international standard, promote the exporting of products to other countries and comply with national regulations.
To service customers for requesting certified marks in foreign countries, PTEC has created the network of testing center and Certify Body abroad so as to label the certified marks for the product of any customers who need to export to target countries all over the world. The customers can send the product for testing at PTEC and then PTEC would issue the report of testing that is internationally accepted according to ISO/IEC17025 and submit the report to other Certify Body within the international network for consideration and labeling certified mark. PTEC alliances for testing and certified mark in other countries include TIMCO NEMKO TUV NORD ACS ASEAN LAB. The certified marks that can be tested by PTEC are as follow:
Product Testing Group
PTEC provide testing service for many electrical and electronic products in Thai industrial sector as follow:
- IT products with the standard of Thai Industrial Standards Institute and Office of National Telecommunications Commission such as computers, printers and UPS, etc.
- Products related to National Security with MIL-STD-461 such as aerial in battleship and aircraft, military radio, RFID, etc.
- Lighting Equipments with TISI 1955 EN55015 such as compact light bulb, electronic ballast, ballast coil, etc.
- Producer of Solar Cell with IEC 61646 IEC61245 such as Solar Cell, UPS, Inverter, Solar Cell System, Inspection of Electrical Connection System, etc.
- Medical Devices with IEC60601-1 such as electric massage bed, beauty appliance, CT Scanner, MRI and Medical Devices according to the notification of Food and Drug Administration such as laser, IPL, RF, etc.
- Automobile Industry with CISPR25 such as electronic control system, navigation system in car, Radar in car and car antenna, etc.
- Household electrical appliances with CISPR14 such as air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, electric pan, electric oven, rice cooker and microwave oven, etc.
- Telecommunication Products with CISPR22 ETSI Office of National Telecommunications Commission such as telephone, fax, modem, GPS, aerial, PLC, PABX, etc.
- Telecommunication Station such as Radio Base Station, Television Base Station, Telephone Base Station, etc.
- RFID such as RFID reader, TAG for RFID, aerial, Test for Signal on RFID Base, etc with ISO
- Products consuming energy according to the standards of Ministry of Energy IEC for12 items
- Products using energy in stand by mode according to the standard of Energy used product such as television, radio, computer, printer and fax, etc.
- Household Audio products and car audio products such as speaker, microphone, wireless microphone, Am FM in television with CISPR20
- Electronic equipments for Aviation such as navigation system, Gyro-electronic system, radio transmission for aviation, airplane antenna, etc.
- Machines in electrical and electronic factories such as steel cutting machine, lathe machine and steel folding machine with the standard of Machinery Directive
- Railway transportation such as UPS in electric vehicles, communication system, RFID, etc.
- Smart meters with the standard of Provincial Electricity Authority
- VSPP inverter
- Medical robots
Categories of service
1) Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing
2) Product Safety Testing
3) Property Testing of Solar cell and BOS
4) Equipment Calibration
5) EMC Site survey
6) Research and development
7) Energy testing of Electrical and electronic product
8) Telecommunication Equipment Testing
9) Medical Equipment Testing
10) Automotive Devices Testing
11) Military Equipment Testing
12) Project Consultancies
13) Inspector for product certification
14) Training
PTEC service
1. Testing service for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): provides testing service, consultancy for product design, correction and improvement of products to reach the national or international standard.
2. Testing Service for Product Safety: Provides testing service of safety with the standards of Thai Industrial Standards Institute. PTEC was appointed to be Inspection body for household electrical appliances and is preparing for certification of IT Product with IEC 60950-1 or TIS 1561-2548 TIS 1956 for ISO/IEC 17025
3. Photovoltaic Module Testing: The first testing laboratory in Thailand for testing service with IEC61215 and IEC61646 in all items required by Thailand Industrial Standard Institute and Ministry of Energy acceptance the testing result and was appointed as the certified testing laboratory.
4. Medical Devices Testing: provides testing service with IEC60601-1 which is the international standard and regulated by Food and Drug Administration.
5. Equipment Calibration Testing: provides testing service of RF Microwave and equipments used for EMC testing. Currently, PTEC is certified Calibration testing laboratory with ISO/IEC17025:2005 from Thai Industrial Standards Institute for 11 items.
6. Site survey: provides survey of electromagnetic environment and consultancy for problem solving related to electromagnetic compatibility for every organization in governmental and private sector.
7. Research and Development: provides problem resolutions and help for product design that not pass the national and international standard.
8. Effectiveness of Energy Consume and Environment: provides the energy saving testing with Energy Star IEC 62301 and label no.5 by Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
9. Telecommunication Equipment Testing: provides telecommunication equipment testing with the standards of Office of National Telecommunications Commission, FCC, CE, ITU and Human Health
10. Military Equipment Testing with MIL-STD-461, MIL-STD-810 and MIL-STD-285 for the Security agencies.
11. Automotive Equipment with CISPR25 and Reliability Testing for automotive parts with E-mark
12. Inspection Body for certified marks from domestic organizations.
13. Project Consultancies: provide consultancy for installation plan, communication system, electric system and other systems for governmental and private sector.
14. Training, supporting technology transfer by training personnel in testing products, correction and improvement of products, product design for governmental and private sector to meet the industrial expectations.